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Fundamental Concepts

Aetherometry, the exact science of the metrics of massfree energy Aether, is a novel biophysical and nanometric science, or scientific discipline, developed by Dr. Paulo N. Correa and Alexandra N. Correa as a synthesis of experimental and analytical work that replicated, revised and continued the scientific contributions of N. Tesla, L. de Broglie, W.Reich (orgonomy, orgonometry), R. Thom (catastrophe theory) and H. Aspden. Its object of study is massfree energy.

Massfree energy

Massfree energy is energy devoid of inertia; it is everywhere 'present in space' or associated with various states of motion of material particles or bodies. In a wide sense, massfree energy encompasses Aether manifestations, as well as photon and kinetic energy states. The primordial or Aether manifestations of massfree energy include graviton and antigraviton states affected to matter or its particles, and, more profoundly, the cosmological manifestations of dark energy (see, in both electric and nonelectric forms, which are associated with the cosmological creation of material particles.

Aetherometry proposes that the world of Matter relates solely, in a strict sense, to the electromagnetic and inertial properties of mass-energy particles, and that even the motion of material or mass-carrying particles or bodies results from the interaction of mass-energy with massfree energy. However, its object of study is not, per se, massfree energy in states that are directly dependent on mass, such as the transient kinetic energy of massbound particles or the electromagnetic energy of blackbody photons. Rather, the primary focus of Aetherometry is the study of massfree energy in nonelectromagnetic forms.

Graviton energy

Gravitons are transient, nonelectromagnetic massfree energy particles whose impulse (gravitational momentum) is anchored to the mass-energy of particles of Matter, but which are emitted from the local Aether medium (formed by the constant and ordered flux of dark massfree energy and cosmological lepton lattices). Both gravitons and antigravitons may also be formed and seated in the composite lattices composing the local Aether medium. Gravitons anchored to mass-energy particles are described mathematically and physically as being in a relationship of secondary superimposition with that mass-energy.

Besides gravitons, Aetherometry has demonstrated the existence of primordial or primary manifestations of massfree energy in both electric and nonelectric forms, also referred to as 'dark massfree energy'.

Ambipolar massfree energy (Orgone and DOR), aka Tesla radiation

Electric massfree energy consists of ambipolar charges that are devoid of inertial effects and propagate longitudinally. In contrast to the monopolar charges (electrons, protons) that characterize ordinary massbound electricity, ambipolar charges continuously alternate between polar states, or, to say it more accurately, constantly vary their polarity during forward propagation. Ambipolar electricity is a massfree phenomenon. Field capture of ambipolar energy by massbound (monopolar) charges results in their acceleration; deceleration of the same massbound charges results in the local production of blackbody photons. The Correas have published the cosmic spectrum of ambipolar radiation and the corresponding blackbody spectra emitted from electrons and protons, providing exact new equations that profoundly alter the conventional theory of electromagnetism. They have also demonstrated how the continuous ambipolar spectrum contains two biologically and physically distinct regions that correspond to W. Reich's distinction between orgone (OR) energy and DOR (dorgone or deadly orgone). The cutoff between OR and DOR occurs at 79.4 keV. This is a strictly aetherometric discovery.

Latent heat or latent massfree energy

Nonelectric massfree energy exists in both unbound and massbound states. In massbound states, it is responsible for the energy of state of molecular phases, the intrinsic energy of gases, specific latent heats, most of the atmospheric energy, and the noncovalent bond energies exploited by all living systems. Its generic designation is molecular latent heat. In unbound states, massfree latent energy is responsible for the cosmological creation of space and the direction (diachronism) and synchronicity of absolute Time. The superimposition of unbound massfree latent energy yields what is physically and mathematically designated as the phase energy which permits the creation of mass-energy and associated gravitons (secondary superimposition). Thus, Aetherometry affirms that all mass-energy is a transient construct of the phase superimposition of latent massfree energy, the composite effect of Aether energy units.

Blackbody radiation is composed of nonionizing thermal, optical and supra-optical 'electromagnetic' (photon) radiation, forming what is called radiative (sensible) heat. Ambipolar orgone radiation indirectly gives rise (through the 'medium' of electrons) to blackbody radiation having wavelengths greater than 300 nanometers. Ambipolar DOR radiation indirectly gives rise to blackbody (Hallwacks) photons in the UVB and UV-C ranges, up to the shortest 47nm blackbody radiation (end of the blackbody spectrum).

Note that sensible heat, unlike latent heat, is composed of thermal drift kinetons (molecular heat) and blackbody photons (radiative heat)

Photons (ionizing or nonionizing), 'kinetons', gravitons, ambipolar charges and particles or units of latent massfree energy are all massfree particles associated with specific physical interactions or manifestations. The demonstration of these particles' existence, and the proposed new model and mathematical formalism (see Aetherometric Microfunctional Transformative Algebra below) that address their specific properties, have been extracted from a nexus of systematic and diverse experimental investigations into physical and biological systems, gathered under the rubrics of Experimental Aetherometry, Aetherometric Biology, and The Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity (AToS).

Experimental Aetherometry

Experimental Aetherometry encompasses the empirical and analytical investigation of the physical and biophysical properties and interactions of massfree energy. Chief amongst these interactions of interest are the so-called "anomalies" of physical processes and biological systems. The following are the most salient contributions made by published experimental studies in Aetherometry:

1. The replication of the Reich-Einstein experiment demonstrating the evolution of anomalous heat in and atop naked Faraday cages.
2. The demonstration of anomalous arrest of the spontanous electroscopic discharge irrespective of polarity (kinetoregenerative phenomenon) by: atmospheric latent heat, photons of wavelength greater than 300 nm, and the midday Sun on anti-cyclonic days.
3. The exact determination of the antigravitational work responsible for the anomalous electroscopic arrest.
4. The demonstration of an anomalous reverse potential in specific methods of electrostatic charge transport.
5. Determination of anomalous quantities of latent heat and sensible heat inside original and improved 'Orgone accumulators', capable of sustaing a positive temperature difference greater than 10 deg. C throughout the day and night.
6. Identification of the infrared modal absorption of blackbody radiation (sensible heat) by 'Orgone accumulators' (6.6 to 7 THz).
7. Aetherochemical analysis of the allotropic cycle of water, oxygen and ozone, with balanced enthalpy and precise ambipolar inputs.
8. Identification of the fundamental gravitons and their Periodic Table.
9. Identification of the fundamental latent energy units responsible for the cosmological creation of leptons.
10. Determination of the correct electrokinetic component of electrostatic interactions.
11. Identification of the exact 'tuned vacuum responses' responsible for auto-electronic emission observed in the absence of any applied voltage, and for the excess energy observed in pulsed plasma regimes ([[autogenous pulsed abnormal glow discharge]] and vacuum-arc discharge) under conditions of applied power.
12. Confirmation of the accuracy of Aspden's Law of Electrodynamics for open-circuit systems capable of eliciting anomalous cathode reaction forces.
13. Demonstrable conversion of the gravitational swings of electrostatic pendula into electrokinetic energy.
14. Prediction and experimental isolation of an anomalous monopolar lift effect.
15. Demonstration of ambipolar radiation ('Tesla waves' or Tesla radiation) emitted by Tesla coils and induction coils.
16. The first formal and experimental characterization of Tesla radiation as consisting of massfree charges and their conjunction with nonelectromagnetic, longitudinal waves.
17. Quantitative determination of the speed of ambipolar charges or Tesla waves.
18. Induced generation of excess ambipolar electric energy by resonance-loaded Tesla coils.
19. Correct determination of the characteristic frequency, inductance, capacitance and other physical parameters of induction coils and ambipolar radiation.
20. Discovery and identification of the ambipolar massfree energy spectrum, the constituent subspectra of Orgone and DOR ('Deadly Orgone'), and their underlying and novel physical functions.
21. Discovery of the exact ambipolar radiation frequencies responsible for driving the allotropic cycle of water, oxygen and ozone, and for the stratified structure of the terrestrial atmosphere.
22. Experimental conversion of ambipolar radiation into molecular latent heat by metal filters.
23. Experimental differentiation of the magnetic fields of massbound and massfree charges, and enunciation of a new theory of magnetism.
24. Direct determination of H not just for massfree charges and electric waves but also for massbound charges in motion, as a function of the kinetic energy electrically associated with them.
25. Development of an integral ambipolar radiation/emission detector (and analytical module).
26. Identification of the cosmic background of ambipolar (orgone) radiation (CBOR, mode 0.3067 eV) responsible for the microwave cosmic background photon emission (so-called mCBR).
27. Identification of W. Reich's Function (or factor) Y pertaining to the Orgone Motor.
28. The first replication of W. Reich's Orgone Motor system fuelled by the capture of massfree energy (latent heat, ambipolar radiation and local photons), and capable of converting it into mechanical work and ordinary electricity.
29. Discovery of the utilization of hot-air engine couplings as latent heat pumps and converters of latent heat into sensible heat.
30. Determination of the ambipolar voltage of the human body.
31. Differentiating detection of the latent heat and ambipolar fields of biological systems.
32. Molecular and nanometric identification of biological processes of latent heat draw and ambipolar energy capture.
33. Identification of the ambipolar resonant properties of globins relating to their capacity to absorb massfree electric energy and release sensible heat.
34. Experimental determination and exploitation of the 'vacuum' contribution of longitudinal electric radiation to the normal and abnormal glow discharges in Paschen's Law.
35. Isolation of the complete chemical (heterolytic and homolytic), electronic and energy (photothermal and ambipolar) cycles for the dissociation and formation of water and hydrogen.
36. Demonstration of directed weight-cancellation of target mass using tuned ambipolar radiation.
37. Tuning of aqueous solutions for reception, transmission and emission of ambipolar radiation.

Aetherometric Technologies

These are essentially the pioneering technologies developed at the Labofex Experimental and Applied Plasma Physics Co. and at the Aurora Biophysics Research Institute as an outgrowth of Experimental Aetherometry and Aetherometric Theory. They can be grouped into four categories: alternative energy and motive technologies, lift systems, biophysical and biochemical technologies, and analytical instrumentation.

The main alternative energy and motive systems currently under development or fully developed include:

1. The first patented pulsed plasma systems (autogenous pulsed abnormal glow discharge and vacuum-arc discharge) capable of generating electric energy in excess of breakeven, with peak power outputs in the 30 to 40kW range.
2. An electrodynamically pulsed and controlled table-top nuclear fusion reactor designed to operate with the aetherometric deuterium-tetrad fusion pathway, to produce specific blackbody spectra by proton end-products, and to operate without neutron, triton or gamma ray emissions.
3. The first massfree Aether motor/converter (patent pending) - a novel and improved Orgone Motor capable of outputs in the 1-100 watt range. 4. A fuel-less latent- and sensible-heat drive (HYBORAC) for hot-air engines and thermoelectric converters, capable of sustaining round-the-clock positive differences well in excess of 10 deg. C, which is expected to yield more than 400 watts in current prototypes.

Aetherometric lift technologies have resulted from the development of two different electrogravitic processes: weight-neutralization promoted by the molecular absorption of tuned ambipolar radiation; and antigravity promoted by the monopolar lift effect.

Biophysical and biochemical technologies which have issued from Aetherometry encompass analytical (chemical and biological) technologies, detection (physical and chemical) technologies, and products with potential clinical applications. A short list is provided below:
1. Ambipolar sensors and quantitative detectors for ambient radiation and biofields (proximity and contact).
2. A novel, acid-base and redox integral, linear-log p[e] meter for more exact quantitation of chemical and biochemical reactions.
3. A biological red blood cell radiation response kit.
4. A leukemia early-detection kit.

Instrumentation technologies center around the development of the Aetheroscope. This is a sophisticated data acquisition and analysis system which will permit in situ quantitative determinations for all energy interactions, whether involving massbound or massfree particles. It will provide essential routine analysis of complex physical parameters in virtually all domains of Physical Science, Earth Sciences, Life Sciences and Engineering by the much simpler but far more accurate determination methods provided by aetherometric techniques of computation (new equations and algorithms: see Aetherometric Theory).

Aetherometric Biology

Biophysical research work in Aetherometry is still in its infancy. Yet, it has already yielded a new understanding of biological energy fields, of their cellular, molecular and nanometric processes and, specifically, of the biological functions of massfree energy in its electric and nonelectric states.

In the fields of Hematology and Radiation Biology (including Photobiology and Radiobiology) aetherometric breakthroughs include new insights into the differential growth of blood-cells and their biophysical responses to electromagnetic and nonelectromagnetic (Aether) radiations, the distinct biological effects of high-frequency and low-frequency blackbody photons, the demonstration of hitherto unknown properties of globins relating to their capacity to absorb ambipolar radiation and release sensible heat, and a novel understanding of the nature and structure of the biological field captured by Kirlian photography. In Physiology, they include a solution to the insufficient potential of the respiratory chain, new functions proposed for oxygen in aerobic metabolism, and a contribution towards the elucidation of dark photosynthesis and futile metabolic cycles. In Molecular Biology and System Dynamics, they have yielded a new internal energy function for biological systems, a new treatment of the concept and functions of entropy, and an aethero-dynamic understanding of the folding of polypeptides and the role of latent heat in the catalytic functions of enzymes or allosteric proteins. In the fields of Chemistry and Biochemistry, breakthroughs include a new analytical log scale for the concentration of massbound charge in solutions (a scale that integrates acid-base and redox reactions), complete cycles for the ionic and free-radical formation and dissociation of water and hydrogen, and an original understanding of the role of latent heat in the formation of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) and its hydrolysis. Perhaps the finest achievements of Aetherometry relate to Nanometric Biology and Biopoiesis - such as the proposed new volumetric and electronic structures of covalent and noncovalent (van der Waals) bonds, and the massfree inductive receiver, transformer and transmitter functions identified for genomic DNA and genomic RNA (as in simple RNA-organisms such as the Tobacco Mosaic Virus), leading to a new model of the subcellular origins of Life.

These significant breakthroughs effectively lay the foundations for an integral Biophysics of Energy capable of going beyond present day mechanistic or axiomatic Biology and the mere probabilistics of Genetics, for it can now account not only for the interaction of biological systems with Matter, with material fluxes of massbound charges and molecular materials, but also for the precise interaction of those systems with massfree energy in all of its physical forms.

The consequences of these breakthroughs of Aetherometric Biophysics are potentially extraordinary, if we consider their application to Medicine and Oncology. Since not all radiant energy is electromagnetic (contrary to the claim made in the very first sentence of the Wikipedia article on radiant energy), new possibilities for the use of radiative techniques arise with respect to the engineering of massfree energy for medical therapeutic testing and use.

When Leo Szilard learned that biological clocks were not fundamentally affected by temperature, he commented - "if there is an undiscovered principle of physics, it seems likely that the biosphere will have employed it". Aetherometric Biology demonstrates - theoretically, analytically and experimentally - that this undiscovered principle of physics universally employed by biological systems is massfree energy, since the energetic Aether is precisely that energy principle which the biosphere employs to control its synthetic machinery.

Aetherometric Theory: a Microfunctional Transformative Algebra

Aetherometric theory constitutes a new epistemological approach to physical and biological processes with particular application to nanotechnology, energy and lift systems, analytical instrumentation and medicine (diagnostic and clinical uses).

The novel methodology can be qualified as a micro-functionalist approach that has developed a new mathematical language - a microfunctional transformative algebra - capable of addressing the physical and mathematical properties of fine-structure 'objects' (energy units and energy interactions or processes). Precise physical determinations, including those technically forbidden by the Born-Heisenberg Principle, are carried out with dimensional measurements directly expressed in an expanded meter-second system, having full and exact conversion to conventional mass-length-time systems of measurement. The new aetherometric methodology and its analytical language permit exact correlation of physical modelling with metric and geometric structure, identification of fine-structure and precise description of dynamic processes. Development of the new microfunctional algebra, of an adequate and also more exact physical and mathematical language, was integral to an experimental process that elicited and permitted its enunciation, as well as directed it by constant testing.

The new aetherometric language synthesizes contributions from various scientists and thinkers: a critical review of De Broglie's theory of Matter-Waves; the basic transformative functions enunciated by W. Reich in his Orgonomic Functionalism; the structural and morphogenetic functions for homeomorphism, and especially steady-state amplification of minor fluctuations, in the work of C. Waddington, E. Zimmerman and R. Thom in particular (Catastrophe theory); and, finally, the 'machinic propositions' of Molecular Functionalism or Micro-Functionalism enunciated and applied by G. Deleuze and F. Guattari.

Aetherometric theory employs a micro-functionalist approach to the analytical synthesis of different manifolds or multiplicities - qualitative and quantitative, spatial and temporal, particulate and undulatory, momentum and velocity, moment and angular frequency. Its key concepts are functional processes and immanent properties such as: multiplicity or manifold (eg Space and Time); transformation (eg energy conversion, dimensional transformation of mass into length and wavelength, coordinate-system transformation, phase energy superimposition, etc); energy commensurability (eg of manifolds, of their constituents); analytical disjunction or bifurcation (eg of qualitatively different series of physical objects, of particle-decay processes, of regimes of functioning, of proliferating series, etc) and analytical conjunction (eg creation of particulate mass as resolution of secondary superimposition, synthesis of distinct manifolds or of constitutents, etc); and functional constituents (elements of distinct series brought into relation, machinic indices).

Fundamental forms of transformation involve either superimposition or differential processes (differentials), or both.

Primary superimposition processes relate directly to the fine-structure of energy units, to the wave superimposition that keeps every particle solidary with its associated wavefunctions. It is in the nature of energy to flow because all energy is undulatory motion. Every energy unit is the product of a primary superimposition - of a particle with a wave, of momentum with velocity, of a charge with a voltage potential, etc.

Secondary superimposition processes are phase energy (phase Space and phase Time) processes that couple together either massfree energy units (eg in the cosmological creation of leptons by secondary superimposition of fundamental latent massfree energy units) or the field properties of massbound energy units (eg in electrodynamic interactions, in secondary gravitational interactions). Secondary superimposition processes present phase-energy raised to a power > 1: phase-energy may be squared (eg the limit case of the electrodynamic interaction), cubed (eg the cosmological process responsible for the production of the cosmic microwave background) or raised to the 4th power (eg in the differential structure of 'vacuum' lattices).

Tertiary processes of superimposition refer in general to energy conversions that generate kinetons or photons. Kinetic energy is captured from an external field to sustain motion, and its fine structure adapts to the fine-structure of the mass-energy whose mothin it accelerates. In turn, deceleration of massbound particles generates blackbody photons whose structure is a quantum derivative of the kineton being shed. Photons result from the decomposition of kinetons. Kinetons are units of massfree energy transiently associated with massbound particles and responsible for their motion. Photons are units of tertiary massfree energy generated as the pathway for the return of kinetic energy to the Aether medium. Blackbody photons are detached fragments of decomposing kinetons. Unless the photon energy is absorbed by a massbound particle, it transforms into latent massfree energy.

Laws and processes: old and new

Aetherometric theory has generated entirely new, algebraic expressions that provide exact formulations for a wide variety of fundamental constants, laws and processes of physics, such as: the fine-structure constant; Ohm's Law; the Duane-Hunt Law; Planck's Law; the Ideal Gas Law; Aspden's Law of Electrodynamics; the Nernst equation; Gibbs free energy; the impedance of the 'vacuum'; the magnetic permeability of the 'vacuum' (invariant for photons and variable for massfree and massbound charges); the electric energy of [[electrostatic interactions]]; entropy; the internal energy function of a system; the total energy of a system.

Aetherometry has also discovered and identified precise physico-mathematical functions for other fundamental physical and biophysical laws and processes, amongst which: the electric fine-structure of the electron and proton mass-energies; the fine-structure of massbound and massfree charges in vacuo and in material media; the invariant electric permittivity of the vacuum to ambipolar and photon radiations; the variable permittivity of the vacuum to massbound charges; the antigravitational work of electrostatic charge lattices; the energy, momentum and wave structure of gravitons, massfree charges and latent energy units; the blackbody photon radiation law; primary and secondary gravitational interactions; the functional equivalence and nonidentity of inertial mass and gravitational wavelength; a new algorithm for linear-log integration of acid-base and redox reactions; a new model of electronic orbitals with original volumetric and dynamic structures for covalent and noncovalent (van der Waals) bonds; spectral identification of massfree inductive, receiver, transformer and transmitter functions of genomic DNA and genomic RNA.

Units and constants: old and new

Aetherometric theory has discovered the exact values in the exclusively aetherometric meter-second system for all nonfictional conventional constants and units. The following are a few examples, all of which have now been published: the fundamental electric charge; the electron and proton mass-energies; Planck's constant; the volt and electron-volt; the universal force constant G; Hartree energy; Boltzmann's constant; the ampere; the ohm; the henry; the joule; the calorie; the watt; the gauss; the tesla; the weber; the newton; the farad; the degree Kelvin.

Aetherometric theory has also generated exact values for new, far more exacting physical constants. Some of these new aetherometric constants are: the wavelength-equivalent of the electron inertial mass; the Duane-Hunt wavelength; the charge-carrier intrinsic magnetic wavefunction; the apparent velocity of propagation of gravity; the electron-graviton frequency; the cut-off ambipolar frequency separating OR and DOR subspectra; the upper limit frequencies of both spectra, ambipolar and blackbody; the fundamental electron-Aether energy element; the cosmic acceleration constant; the graviton acceleration constant.

Aetherometric Physics (or The Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity (AToS)

A new concept of energy and a new integral function for its forms

The fundamental aetherometric concept is the expanded function of energy. Energy is a five-dimensional event, capable of phase superimposition in multiples of five-dimensional events ('raising energy to the nth power'). With this new functional approach, the energy-event becomes a micromachine, a wave-synthesizer capable of fine-structure definition. Energy is not simply the potentiality of work, but work seen or unseen, useful or useless, converted or not. The continuous creation of Space across sequential instants of Time is the ontological work of energy, the evidence that a flux of energy has a power and performs sensible work. Space is, in this sense, the work of the perpetual flux of massfree energy, just as universal Time is at once its synchronous beat and its eternal duration. Energy flows in packets, in quantized units, whether Planckian or not. Energy flux is "molecularized" or particulate. Every energy unit (see Leibniz's monad), irrespective of physical nature, is a synthesis of a spatial volume flowing or 'beating' with a resonant simultaneity, the production of a difference being found at the core of the new concept of energy: energy is a synthesis of the different - particle and waves, Space and Time manifolds, conjugate series of physical objects, different constituents, different properties or qualia.

Intrinsic simultaneity

At the core of every energy unit there is a structural simultaneity that keeps particle and wave solidary, and permits noninterpretable, exact spatiotemporal maps of events and physicochemical processes. This structural simultaneity is directly expressed by the specific synchronisms of the Time manifold constitutive of any given energy unit, whether massfree or massbound. Hence, at the antipodes of Relativity (itself an undue generalization of the relationism of all motion - also called exoreference or relative coordinatization of motion), Aetherometry uncovers the fundamental synchronism (and its variations as synchronicities) that gives consistency to all energy units, and proposes a method for endoreference or absolute coordinatization of motion and physical quantities. The simultaneity of a universal Time is not merely qualitative, as for H. Bergson, but quantitative and intrinsic to energy units and processes: energy itself (and every one of its units in any form) 'is' able to time itself, or measure itself, with immanent metrics (endoreference) put into evidence by the fine-structure solutions to every energy form.

Energy conservation and conversion

Energy constitutes a seamless spatiotemporal continuum because of the iterative property of each energy unit in Time. The conservation of energy is a consequence of this iterative property, of its diachronicity, and of its axiomatic application to the total energy of the universe as a finite quantity. When not conserved, energy units are converted. Energy forms may be created, conserved, destroyed, or converted. Not so energy: energy is neither created nor destroyed, only conserved or converted. To paraphrase [[ Eugene Mallove|Dr. Eugene Mallove's]] comment on aetherometric physics, the First Law can be succinctly stated as - the being of energy is 'Aethernal".

New concepts and functions for wave and particle synthesis

Each energy unit is a particulate synthesis of waves or wavefunctions. Every energy form or manifestation displays a specific particle and wave configuration, characteristic of the type of energy interaction (electromagnetic, gravitational, electrodynamic, etc). Aetherometry has identified exactly the intrinsic or hidden metrics of all energy interactions and of energy units or packets, whether massfree, massbound, or in some form associated with massbound particles (eg kinetons, photons, gravitons and antigravitons). These transformative metric relationships are the object of a new system of (micro)functional algebraic equations that open the boundaries of existing physico-mathematical theories to a new analysis of dynamic physical and biological processes. Morphology is no more separate from energy, from its processes and transformations, than topology may be mapped out while being divorced from geometry and metrics - that is, if science and mathematical language are to actually follow the internal dynamics of systems, instead of simply replacing them with static appearances and convoluted approximations.

Aetherometry has provided novel wave-synchronous and resonance-coherent, solidary particle-and- wave solutions for virtually all energy structures and interactions. Every energy flux is a flux of energy units, massbound or massfree. Each unit has the dimensions of energy, and coheres a particle function with a phase or external wave. It also establishes a synchronizing resonance between the group wave intrinsic to the particle and the external guide wave. The coupling of these two wave functions - that is intrinsic to every energy coupling between a particle and a field wave - is referred to as primary superimposition. Synchronism of energy flow is a property of the primary superimposition of waves, of the internal consistency of every energy unit. Basic endoreference systems are created by primary superimposition.

Wherever energy flows, particles, whether massbound or massfree, move in relative and absolute senses (molecular or quantum view of energy). And wherever particles move, resonant waves transmit them, propel them (subquantic view of energy). A particle is nothing but the undulatory transmission of a unit of linear momentum intrinsic to an energy flux.

Particles come in two main varieties - those that are massbound (particles of Matter) and those that are massfree. Whereas multiple particles of matter cannot simultaneously occupy the same abstract space, massfree particles can do so; massfree particles can superimpose with each other to form what are called phase energy structures, and they can also superimpose with particles of matter. The kinetic energy of a particle of matter (i.e. the energy of motion that is affected to it) is, in fact, massfree energy in a state of transient superimposition with the mass-energy of the particle being displaced. Aether lattices are phase energy structures, and mass-energy when considered together with its associated massfree graviton is also a phase energy structure. These structures have specific geometries, and thus there is finite volumetric structure to all manifestations of energy. Electrons and protons have toroidal structures; photons are globular; kinetons, gravitons and ambipolar charges constitute various helico-trochoidal structures.

Massbound particles have the property of inertia, and are monopolarly charged (neutrons are massbound charge composites and decay products only). All massbound particles obey Planck's law for the quantization of angular momentum (as a principle of action and in aetherometric fine-structure). And so do two other classes of massfree energy: photons (whether blackbody or ionizing) and 'kinetons'. Ambipolar charges, whether of the OR or DOR types, obey Planck's law with respect to their action, but not their fine-structure.

Aetherometric Natural Philosophy

Aetherometric natural philosophy owes its fundamental roots to the thoughts of Baruch Spinoza, Friedrich Nietzsche, Henri Bergson, Wilhelm Reich, Gilles Deleuze, and Felix Guattari. Reality is a physical multiplicity, a complex multiplicity, not because its substratum is material but because it is energetic. The composition of the physical multiplicity of the Real is the infinite work-process of physical and biological systems of machines. Machines and systems are either closed (mechanisms) or open (or autopoietic).

Mechanisms populate nonliving nature but also graft living systems by submitting them to the logic of large numbers, thus producing organisms. Mechanisms can be ordered to form cycles, but are not self-cycling. Organisms are dominant organic arrangements (organigrams) that impose an external order (organization) or transcendent principle upon the elements of a machine. Mechanisms and organisms are dead machines, abstract machines that "are all assembled, but dead, and never succeed in concretely plugging into things" (G. Deleuze and F. Guattari).

Mechanisms and organisms are not capable of self-ordering. Only autopoietic machines or open systems are capable of autonomous self-ordering. Autopoietic machines or open systems function according to a dual polarity: a molar or inertial pole, and a molecular or massfree pole. Autopoietic machines that are subjected, by a principle of transcendence, to a molar or inertial pole give rise to all the large-scale (or molar) machines - such as the social and political machines (tribal, state, religious, military, and capitalist machines) that cut across different historical formations, and their dependent technical and scientific machines or technological mechanisms. In turn, autopoietic or molecular machines engage in lines of flight from molar formations, constituting micromachines that follow an immanent plan of self-ordering, and are thus capable of accumulating internal energy in both massbound and massfree forms. Self-forming machines function as they are formed, and are formed as assemblages by the permanent disassembling and re-assembling of their constitutents. They are self-cycling machines in process.

This polarity of machinic function delimits a difference in the energy regimes of molar versus autopoietic machines - a difference that is inscribed in the biological nature of the living unconscious (in the disjunction between parano and schizoid investments, or in the disjunction between sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation, or reactive and active unconscious), in the form of two regimes of unconscious or libidinal investments: one, the parano-neurotic regime ruled by the laws and norms of representation, extracting a human form and relying upon the subjection of autopoietic machines to large-scale ensembles; the other, the schizo regime of autopoietic machines, rarely going beyond the presentation of machinic indices, and only assembled as machines along lines of flight that deconstruct social and technical machines. Molar machines tend towards an historical limit, 'the achievement of nihilism' or self-abolition. Molecular machines tend towards an intensive limit, a 'threshold of absolute deterritorialization' (F. Guattari) or 'nomadism'.

Aetherometry may also be described as the study of machines and their energy regimes. From this perspective, natural research must de facto encompass a philosophical account of the ethical and political 'choices' that are affected by each type of machine. No scientific or philosophic approach can escape being a part of one or the other type of machines.


Paulo N. Correa, Alexandra N. Correa, Experimental Aetherometry, Akronos Publishing, Toronto, Canada

Paulo N. Correa, Alexandra N. Correa, Foundations of Aetherometric Biophysics, Vol 1: Nanometric Functions of Bioenergy, Akronos Publishing, Toronto, Canada Summary of fundamental aetherometric discoveries