Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2001 00:18:49 +0100 From: Stephen Kaplin <> Subject: PUPT: Puppet Parade to nd All Evil! Dear Friends of Great Small Works and other interesting people in the NYC area: This Saturday and Sunday Great Small Works is Staging "A PROCESSION TO END ALL EVIL" at the DUMBO Arts Festival. We are still looking for a few good men and women, girl and boys (and the rest of us), to do puppetry jobs, play music, stilt dance, take photos, and do other exotic and politically intelligent fun stuff, like demand an immediate end to all evil, etc. The Festival is a giant, free, artist driven, diverse art event with open studios, tons of dance, film, music, and video. (info: The Processions To End All Evil are a short, repeated scenario in which evil (in the form of koan / slogan like text) is graffitoed onto a wall by big bad green dogs on ladders, then studied by a procession of characters including the DADA priest Kurt schwitters (played by Roberto Rossi) , the 5 boroughs of NYC, a field of sunflowers, and a band of very costumed people playing a traditional day of the dead processional tune. Evil is comtemplated by the population, discussed, then a demand goes out for the immediate elimination of all evil. the text is erased from the wall ( Similar to the burial of a rotten idea with a funeral procession by the community). The dogs write another text on another wall and so the procession continues around Dumbo. Not a demo, but a public consideration of new permanent war conditions and how we respond (staged at a large art event). We will run the procession every hour or so. Performing for 30 minutes, taking a break, starting again with new spectator recruits for simpler parts. We need a few good puppeteers to operate the 5 boroughs of NYC puppets, or and folks to learn other important parts. Here is a schedule. We need a big crowd for the ***SUNDAY PROCESSIONS****. Wanna see if there is some way to fit in? Can you come for an hour or 2? many thanks, Jenny Romaine 212-787-8457 FRIDAY MORNING OCT 19/ 10-12 GSW AND OTHER FOLK rehearse scenario for Procession at 70 Washington Street, studio 406. SATURDAY OCT 20 MEET AT 12 NOON OUTSIDE THE ARTS AT ST. ANNE'S PERFORMANCE VENUE IN DUMBO ST. (38 WATER ST, DUMBO) rehearse/perform the PROCESSION TO END ALL EVIL on Streets of Dumbo from 1-1:45. After that Great Small Works does an excerpt from A MAmmel's Notebook: The Erik Satie Cabaret with MArgaret Leng Tan at the Arts at St. Anne's. ****SUNDAY OCT 21*** Procession to End all Evil with guests Kuang-Yu Fong, and Heaven and Earth Moving company. MEET AT 12 NOON (70 WAshington street, street level) Begin to recruit and teach procession to new larger company. 1:30 FIRST PROCESSION. PROCESSIONS ONGOING TO THRU 4:30 WITH BREAKS AND THE RECRUITMENT OF NEW PEOPLE FOR EACH PROCESSION. Directions/Contact info: (A train to High Street/first stop in Brooklyn / get out at front of train and walk towards Adams street. Walk down the hill by the Red cross building. Go under BQE highway walking towards water. You will be on Washington Street. We are #70, 4th floor. Cell phone the day of 917-319-8104. Jenny's home phone: 212-787-8457 Thanks. Look forward to hearing from you. --- Personal replies to: Stephen Kaplin <> --- List replies to: --- Admin commands to: --- Archives at:
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