1 | Apr 01, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: (Fwd) Unions target Rio Tinto - 1/4/98 | 227 |
2 | Apr 03, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: (Fwd) Bougainville - Media Release 1/4/98 | 49 |
3 | Apr 03, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: (Fwd) (Fwd) BOUGAINVILLE INDEPENDENCE NOT NEGOTIABLE: | 53 |
5 | Apr 03, 1998 | Tom Condit | M-NEWS: Russia: Falling wages | 34 |
6 | Apr 04, 1998 | mim3-AT-mim.org | M-NEWS: new MIM web page on classics | 17 |
7 | Apr 04, 1998 | CCE | M-NEWS: Brazil Assassinations | 65 |
8 | Apr 04, 1998 | Tom Condit | M-NEWS: Squatters vs. Italian state | 149 |
9 | Apr 05, 1998 | CCE | xxxxxxx | 57 |
10 | Apr 05, 1998 | mim3-AT-mim.org | M-NEWS: Catharine MacKinnon | 18 |
11 | Apr 07, 1998 | Tom Condit | M-NEWS: 1400 dockers sacked | 149 |
12 | Apr 09, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: (Fwd) Free Fax to support the Wharfies (fwd) | 55 |
13 | Apr 09, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Re: Australian Wharfies -- union briefing notes | 488 |
14 | Apr 09, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: The wharfies' struggle | 37 |
15 | Apr 09, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Liverpool solidarity with MUA | 66 |
16 | Apr 09, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Warning to labour web sites | 55 |
17 | Apr 09, 1998 | Tom Condit | M-NEWS: Wharfie web page | 21 |
18 | Apr 09, 1998 | Tom Condit | M-NEWS: Aussie dispute could spread | 131 |
19 | Apr 09, 1998 | Tom Condit | M-NEWS: Australia: sackings may be illegal | 132 |
20 | Apr 09, 1998 | Tom Condit | M-NEWS: War on Wharfies: 9 April | 236 |
21 | Apr 09, 1998 | Tom Condit | M-NEWS: Australia (more from Canada) | 250 |
22 | Apr 10, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: War on transportation unions | 182 |
23 | Apr 11, 1998 | IRSP | M-NEWS: Easter statement from IRSM Leadership. | 194 |
24 | Apr 11, 1998 | IRSP | M-NEWS: IRSP Ard Comhairle Call for A "No" Vote in Referenda | 59 |
25 | Apr 12, 1998 | Gerry Downing | M-NEWS: New WorkersFIGHT newspaper | 134 |
26 | Apr 11, 1998 | IRSP | M-NEWS: Red Republican | 334 |
27 | Apr 13, 1998 | Labor Video Project | M-NEWS: 5/3 Manifesto Conf&Cultural Celebra | 75 |
28 | Apr 12, 1998 | IRSP | M-NEWS: Victory For Turkish Political Prisoners | 221 |
29 | Apr 13, 1998 | IRSP | M-NEWS: "International Day of Revolutionary Prisoners" | 185 |
30 | Apr 14, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Update on Australian wharfies | 120 |
31 | Apr 15, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Fwd: Oz docks | 56 |
32 | Apr 16, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: (Fwd) LL:9 News Poll on Patrick Sackings (fwd) | 49 |
33 | Apr 16, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Re: War on transportation unions | 481 |
34 | Apr 16, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Oztralia and the Waterfront | 90 |
35 | Apr 16, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Who owns the union-busters? | 34 |
36 | Apr 16, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Re: Oztralia and the Waterfront | 51 |
37 | Apr 16, 1998 | David Stevens | Re: M-NEWS: Re: War on transportation unions | 33 |
38 | Apr 16, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: The power of internet protest | 71 |
39 | Apr 16, 1998 | ihr.eth | M-NEWS: Information Bulletin 15th April 1998 | 160 |
40 | Apr 16, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Court injunctions and barricades | 63 |
41 | Apr 17, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: (Fwd) (Fwd) Bougainville - Radio News - 17 April 98 | 69 |
42 | Apr 17, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Aus Wharfies - News update Friday morning | 112 |
43 | Apr 17, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Sailor's Union backs MUA | 36 |
44 | Apr 17, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Aus Wharfies - A real fight developing | 125 |
45 | Apr 17, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Re: The wharfies strike | 90 |
46 | Apr 17, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Re: Who owns the union-busters? | 52 |
47 | Apr 17, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Re: Wharf Update | 64 |
48 | Apr 17, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: MUA: LL:URGENT:Police expected at the docks tonight (fwd) | 35 |
49 | Apr 17, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Somebody out there loves us! | 62 |
50 | Apr 18, 1998 | Robert Malecki | M-NEWS: Spartacist League Australia now on line! | 53 |
51 | Apr 18, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Eye-witness accounts of picketing | 168 |
52 | Apr 18, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Docks battle becoming more general | 92 |
53 | Apr 18, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Patricks Scab Song (fwd) | 110 |
54 | Apr 18, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: More on the legal attack on GreenNet/LabourNet | 37 |
55 | Apr 19, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Wharfies update: victories and caution | 125 |
56 | Apr 19, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: From the Picket Line 19 Apr-- "Queensland on brink of statewide | 254 |
57 | Apr 19, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: A night on the East Swanston picket line | 123 |
58 | Apr 19, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Reflections from the left in Brisbane and Melbourne | 188 |
59 | Apr 19, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Fax a scab/e-mail Corrigan | 57 |
60 | Apr 19, 1998 | Hans Ehrbar | Re: M-NEWS: Reflections from the left in Brisbane and Melbourne | 80 |
61 | Apr 20, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: (Fwd) Bougainville News - Radio Oz reports - 19/4/98 | 99 |
62 | Apr 20, 1998 | Bob Malecki | M-NEWS: VB: Aussie Dockworkers | 108 |
63 | Apr 20, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: (Fwd) Asia Pacific Conf: Solidarity with waterside workers | 155 |
64 | Apr 20, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: (fwd) PM gears up for court appeal in waterfront fight | 88 |
65 | Apr 20, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Inflammatory court injunction | 158 |
66 | Apr 20, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: MUA: Anti patrick website | 26 |
67 | Apr 20, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Tension mounting in Melbourne | 75 |
68 | Apr 21, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: WELL DONE WHARFIES! JUSTICE AT LAST! | 48 |
69 | Apr 21, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Wharfies have a big win! | 42 |
70 | Apr 21, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Pessimistic news from Brisbane | 188 |
71 | Apr 21, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Brisbane: Update 2 and boycotts appeal | 92 |
72 | Apr 21, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Re: Wharfies have a big win! (Arrests in Brisbane) | 38 |
73 | Apr 21, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Re: Wharfies have a big win (?) | 43 |
74 | Apr 22, 1998 | Bob Malecki | M-NEWS: VB: Australian Farmers Threaten to Smash Dock Picket Lines | 78 |
75 | Apr 22, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Re: Wharfies update -- courts and pickets | 115 |
76 | Apr 22, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Note from Townsville | 41 |
77 | Apr 22, 1998 | socappeal-AT-easynet.co.uk | M-NEWS: Interview with Afghan socialists | 44 |
78 | Apr 22, 1998 | Tom Condit | M-NEWS: ILWU considers ban | 75 |
79 | Apr 22, 1998 | Tom Condit | M-NEWS: Background on Oz | 260 |
80 | Apr 23, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: (Fwd) Bougainville News - Radio Oz 23/4/98 | 63 |
81 | Apr 23, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Stop Press! Patrick appeal to Federal Court FAILS! | 44 |
82 | Apr 23, 1998 | ihr.eth | M-NEWS: Information Bulletin | 996 |
83 | Apr 23, 1998 | Tom Condit | M-NEWS: Victory in Australian court | 50 |
84 | Apr 24, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: (Fwd) Bougainville News - 24 April 98 (Nat) | 133 |
85 | Apr 24, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: (Fwd) WHARFIES WIN AGAIN, BUT BATTLE CONTINUES | 50 |
86 | Apr 24, 1998 | Spoon Collective | M-NEWS: marxism space closing--PLEASE READ | 131 |
87 | Apr 24, 1998 | Spoon Collective | M-NEWS: marxism space closing--PLEASE READ | 130 |
88 | Apr 25, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Denmark on strike | 84 |
89 | Apr 25, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Wharfies and Cops | 43 |
90 | Apr 25, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: MUA: (Fwd) Govt lies on docks productivity | 86 |
91 | Apr 26, 1998 | Hans Ehrbar | M-NEWS: [dgrammen@PRAIRIENET.ORG: ECONOMIST: Colombia. Human rights? You're dead] | 141 |
92 | Apr 27, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: (Fwd) Bougainville News - 27 April 98 (Nat) | 140 |
93 | Apr 27, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Denmark -- general strike | 118 |
94 | Apr 29, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: (Fwd) Bougainville - Radio Oz 29/4/98 | 42 |
95 | Apr 28, 1998 | IRSP | M-NEWS: MRTA Political Prisoners On Hungerstrike | 134 |
96 | Apr 28, 1998 | Margie Akin | M-NEWS: Mayday demo in Riverside, California | 56 |
97 | Apr 29, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: A story from the Waterfront | 71 |
98 | Apr 30, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: (Fwd) BOUGAINVILLE NEWS - 30 April 98 (Nat) | 147 |
99 | Apr 30, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: MUA: Govt knew of Dubai from June | 74 |
100 | Apr 30, 1998 | Robert Malecki | M-NEWS: Cockroach! (May 1 special announcement!) | 72 |
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