1 | Feb 02, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: GLOBAL CAMPAIGN ON RIO TINTO | 74 |
2 | Feb 01, 1998 | Tom Condit | M-NEWS: Marcos | 28 |
3 | Feb 03, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: (Fwd) BOUGAINVILLE - Letter of Support from BFM | 57 |
4 | Feb 03, 1998 | Sendic Estrada Jimenez | M-NEWS: S;EZLN Communique, (to supporters), Jan 21 (fwd) | 291 |
5 | Feb 03, 1998 | ScotFOP-AT-aol.com | M-NEWS: ScotFOP #6 | 196 |
6 | Feb 04, 1998 | ROBERT SAUTE | xxxxxxx | 104 |
7 | Feb 04, 1998 | New Worker Online | M-NEWS: Paying Washington's price with their lives | 257 |
8 | Feb 04, 1998 | Tom Condit | M-NEWS: Corporate snoops on the net | 144 |
9 | Feb 04, 1998 | Paul Zarembka | M-NEWS: Burch's Two Volumes on Right-Wing Politics under Reagan and Bush | 126 |
10 | Feb 04, 1998 | Tom Condit | M-NEWS: US: Nat'l MAI alert | 88 |
11 | Feb 05, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: (Fwd) (Fwd) Stop MAI - meeting dates, petition and minutes | 103 |
12 | Feb 09, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: (Fwd) Radio Oz 8/2/98 - Rio Tinto Campaign | 37 |
13 | Feb 09, 1998 | IRSP | M-NEWS: Reformed RUC unacceptable, IRSP | 52 |
14 | Feb 09, 1998 | ScotFOP-AT-aol.com | M-NEWS: ScotFOP #7 | 216 |
15 | Feb 10, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: (Fwd) GLOBAL STREET PARTY | 100 |
16 | Feb 10, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: (Fwd) BOUGAINVILLE VIDEO LIST | 92 |
17 | Feb 10, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: KCTU throws out leadership, rejects deal!! | 58 |
18 | Feb 11, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: (Fwd) Union Assault on Rio Tinto - The Aust 11/2/98 | 52 |
19 | Feb 10, 1998 | Tom Condit | M-NEWS: Mass strikes in Finland | 121 |
20 | Feb 11, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: (Fwd) 1181 DROUGHT: Summit attacks AusAID | 95 |
21 | Feb 11, 1998 | Tom Condit | M-NEWS: New journal in Russian needs help | 118 |
22 | Feb 12, 1998 | Jose Guillermo Soto Perez | M-NEWS: Comunicado del EZLN a "TIEMPO" (fwd) | 113 |
23 | Feb 12, 1998 | komnuor-AT-dlc.fi | M-NEWS: newws from Finland | 587 |
24 | Feb 12, 1998 | New Worker Online | M-NEWS: No to new war against Iraq. | 176 |
25 | Feb 12, 1998 | New Worker Online | M-NEWS: No Sinn Fein, no just settlement. | 115 |
26 | Feb 13, 1998 | socappeal-AT-easynet.co.uk | M-NEWS: Imperialist bullying in Iraq | 51 |
27 | Feb 13, 1998 | Tom Condit | M-NEWS: San Francisco: Anti-war demonstration | 26 |
28 | Feb 13, 1998 | IRSP | M-NEWS: MAI debate -- Feb 24, S.F. | 62 |
29 | Feb 14, 1998 | IRSP | M-NEWS: 1798 BICENTENARY | 280 |
30 | Feb 16, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: LIT/CI =?iso-8859-1?Q?declaracio=B4n?= sobre Irak | 234 |
31 | Feb 16, 1998 | Bob Malecki | M-NEWS: Cockroah Notice! (Iraq/PDC) | 57 |
32 | Feb 17, 1998 | Jim Monaghan | M-NEWS: IRISH TALKS | 273 |
33 | Feb 17, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: IWL/FI (LIT) Declaration on Iraq | 202 |
34 | Feb 18, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: (Fwd) Bougainville - Sandline Inquiry 18/2/98 | 89 |
35 | Feb 18, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: (Fwd) [BougI-L GLW] World trade union network against Rio Tint | 81 |
36 | Feb 18, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: (Fwd) Bougainville - Radio Oz 18/2/98 | 37 |
37 | Feb 19, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: No war against Iraq! | 99 |
38 | Feb 19, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Tuzla international conf against privatization | 83 |
39 | Feb 19, 1998 | Tom Condit | M-NEWS: Information on anti-bombing activities | 21 |
40 | Feb 20, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: (Fwd) Bougainville - Militant News Feb 98 | 46 |
41 | Feb 20, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: (Fwd) Bougainville News 20/2/98 (PC) | 38 |
42 | Feb 21, 1998 | Aaron | M-NEWS: (en) UK Deputy P.M. Iced -- A good example of direct action! | 132 |
43 | Feb 21, 1998 | David Stevens | M-NEWS: Mass Detention of alleged San Francisco Anti-War Protesters | 124 |
44 | Feb 22, 1998 | David Stevens | Re: M-NEWS: Mass Detention of alleged San Francisco Anti-War Protesters | 59 |
45 | Feb 22, 1998 | Bruce D. Burleson | Re: M-NEWS: Mass Detention of alleged San Francisco Anti-War Protesters | 26 |
46 | Feb 23, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Re: Mass Detention of alleged San Francisco Anti-War Protesters | 48 |
47 | Feb 22, 1998 | owner-marxism-news-AT-jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU | xxxxxxx | 54 |
48 | Feb 22, 1998 | IRSP | M-NEWS: INLA Statement re the Wright Three | 59 |
49 | Feb 23, 1998 | Bob Malecki | SV: M-NEWS: Re: Mass Detention of alleged San Francisco Anti-War Protesters | 37 |
50 | Feb 22, 1998 | IRSP | M-NEWS: Arrest of Basque Political Refugee in Miami | 125 |
51 | Feb 22, 1998 | Tom Condit | M-NEWS: May Day strike in Ontario | 47 |
52 | Feb 22, 1998 | Tom Condit | M-NEWS: Re: Mass Detention of alleged San Francisco Anti-War | 21 |
53 | Feb 23, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Town Meeting Not All It Seemed to Be | 144 |
54 | Feb 23, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Strategic report from anti-war movement in Britain | 214 |
55 | Feb 23, 1998 | David Stevens | Re: M-NEWS: Re: Mass Detention of alleged San Francisco Anti-War Protesters | 56 |
56 | Feb 24, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Liverpool dockers letter to supporters | 89 |
57 | Feb 24, 1998 | socappeal-AT-easynet.co.uk | M-NEWS: In Defence of Marxism site news | 59 |
58 | Feb 24, 1998 | Tom Condit | M-NEWS: Where's the 50 minutes? | 60 |
59 | Feb 24, 1998 | Tom Condit | M-NEWS: French statement on Iraq | 136 |
60 | Feb 23, 1998 | IRSP | M-NEWS: Basque Country: Newsletter #022398 | 396 |
61 | Feb 25, 1998 | Aaron | M-NEWS: Iraq, U.S. imperialism and the call for 'negotiations' | 49 |
62 | Feb 25, 1998 | David Stevens | M-NEWS: California unionists in court Feb 26 for support to Liverpool dockers | 37 |
63 | Feb 25, 1998 | Sendic Estrada Jimenez | M-NEWS: E; Reuters:Mexico defends expelling foreigners over Chiapas, Feb 13 (fwd) | 88 |
64 | Feb 25, 1998 | Sendic Estrada Jimenez | M-NEWS: E;Le Monde Diplomatique:A DANGEROUS NEW MANIFESTO FOR GLOBAL CAPITALISM, Feb 7 (fwd) | 294 |
65 | Feb 26, 1998 | Sendic Estrada Jimenez | M-NEWS: S;Jornada:Acteal under state of siege, Feb 13 (fwd) | 80 |
66 | Feb 26, 1998 | Sendic Estrada Jimenez | M-NEWS: S;Jornada:Chiapas: New Military Escalation, Feb 14 (fwd) | 95 |
67 | Feb 26, 1998 | Luciano Dondero | M-NEWS: Encyclopedia of Trotskyism online | 234 |
68 | Feb 26, 1998 | Millennium | M-NEWS: New Zealand AntiWar Actions | 62 |
69 | Feb 26, 1998 | Tom Condit | M-NEWS: Working class studies web site | 20 |
70 | Feb 27, 1998 | ROBERT SAUTE | M-NEWS: 1998 Socialist Scholars Conference | 62 |
71 | Feb 27, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: (Fwd) [BougI-xL Drillbits & Tailings, 21.Feb.] Peace Or Puff-P | 109 |
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