1 | Dec 28, 1997 | Tom Condit | M-NEWS: U S Military and Mexico | 136 |
2 | Jan 01, 1998 | detcom-AT-hotmail.com | M-NEWS: Detroit Welcomes the New Year with Massive Gunfire | 49 |
3 | Dec 31, 1997 | IRSP | M-NEWS: IRSCNA New Year's Message | 53 |
4 | Jan 01, 1998 | ScotFOP | M-NEWS: Scottish Friends of Palestine Bulletin | 160 |
5 | Jan 02, 1998 | Jose Guillermo Soto Perez | M-NEWS: [AFIB] Massacre in Chiapas (fwd) | 724 |
6 | Jan 02, 1998 | Jose Guillermo Soto Perez | M-NEWS: LAS FARC-EP LANZARAN EN 1.998 EL MOVIMIENTO BOLIVARIANO POR LA NUEVA COLOMBIA (fwd) | 381 |
7 | Jan 03, 1998 | Sendic Estrada Jimenez | M-NEWS: E;AP,Mexico Rebels Holding On, Jan 1 (fwd) | 105 |
8 | Jan 04, 1998 | Aaron | M-NEWS: EPR-Chiapas Comunicado/Communique 25 Dic./Dec. | 300 |
9 | Jan 04, 1998 | Jose Guillermo Soto Perez | M-NEWS: (Fwd) Comunicado EZLN-1-3-98 texto legible (fwd) | 104 |
10 | Jan 05, 1998 | Tom Condit | Re: M-NEWS: Detroit Welcomes the New Year with Massive Gunfire | 18 |
11 | Jan 06, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: (Fwd) Bougainville - Media Release 6/1/97 | 58 |
12 | Jan 06, 1998 | Bruce D. Burleson | M-NEWS: RED ALERT: Chiapas Invasion Begun.... (fwd) | 87 |
13 | Jan 06, 1998 | Bruce D. Burleson | M-NEWS: Fwd: Update on Chiapas (fwd) | 448 |
14 | Jan 06, 1998 | Jose Guillermo Soto Perez | M-NEWS: (Fwd) ACCION URGENTE!!! 12 de Enero (fwd) | 95 |
15 | Jan 07, 1998 | Sendic Estrada Jimenez | M-NEWS: E;L&R,MAYDAY! EMERGENCY IN CHIAPAS!, Jan 3 (fwd) | 57 |
16 | Jan 07, 1998 | Sendic Estrada Jimenez | M-NEWS: E;EZLN Communique, (on recent army actions),Jan 3 (fwd) | 135 |
17 | Jan 07, 1998 | Sendic Estrada Jimenez | M-NEWS: E;;Army Sacking Villages in Altamirano!, Jan4 (fwd) | 179 |
18 | Jan 07, 1998 | Sendic Estrada Jimenez | M-NEWS: E;Re-print of LAW Comander David calls Mexican gov. to uphold, Jan 5 (fwd) | 432 |
19 | Jan 07, 1998 | Sendic Estrada Jimenez | M-NEWS: E;List of Mex Consulats in US, for protestor reference, Jan 5 (fwd) | 390 |
20 | Jan 07, 1998 | Sendic Estrada Jimenez | M-NEWS: Reuters: Zapatista supporters block Mexico stock market (fwd) | 74 |
21 | Jan 07, 1998 | Sendic Estrada Jimenez | M-NEWS: E;Mex.Irish.Grp:Information from Altimirano, Jan 6 (fwd) | 77 |
22 | Jan 07, 1998 | Sendic Estrada Jimenez | M-NEWS: E;FZLN Calls for Demos at Consulates (list attached) on Jan 12 (fwd) | 124 |
23 | Jan 07, 1998 | jborovi | M-NEWS: hunger strike/solidarity | 77 |
24 | Jan 11, 1998 | Julie Greeman | M-NEWS: [Fwd: French Unemployment Movement] | 126 |
25 | Jan 12, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: (Fwd) (Fwd) Militant: Forum Calls For Australian And NZ Troops | 91 |
26 | Jan 11, 1998 | Hans Ehrbar | xxxxxxx | 40 |
27 | Jan 12, 1998 | Sendic Estrada Jimenez | M-NEWS: E;Mumia on Mexican Massacre, Dec 31 (fwd) | 111 |
28 | Jan 12, 1998 | Sendic Estrada Jimenez | M-NEWS: E;NCDM,Stop the War in Chiapas!-Int'l Day of Action January 12 (fwd) | 117 |
29 | Jan 12, 1998 | Sendic Estrada Jimenez | M-NEWS: THREATS TO LATIN AMERICAN MEDIA (fwd) | 92 |
30 | Jan 12, 1998 | Sendic Estrada Jimenez | M-NEWS: E;Proceso,C.Marin:Military Plan for Paramilitaries, Jan 4 (fwd) | 446 |
31 | Jan 12, 1998 | Sendic Estrada Jimenez | M-NEWS: Revised EZLN communique 1/8/97 (fwd) | 353 |
32 | Jan 12, 1998 | Sendic Estrada Jimenez | M-NEWS: E;AP,Mexican Army Closes in on Towns Sympathetic to Rebels,Jan 8 (fwd) | 191 |
33 | Jan 12, 1998 | Sendic Estrada Jimenez | M-NEWS: E/S;EZLN Communique of 8 jan 1998 and comments, Jan 9 (fwd) | 116 |
34 | Jan 12, 1998 | Sendic Estrada Jimenez | M-NEWS: E;NYT,Mexico Steps up a war of words in Chiapas, Jan 10 (fwd) | 140 |
35 | Jan 12, 1998 | Sendic Estrada Jimenez | M-NEWS: Worldwide Chiapas Protest Statistics: Version 2.0 (fwd) | 127 |
36 | Jan 13, 1998 | ScotFOP | M-NEWS: ScotFOP #3 | 150 |
37 | Jan 14, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: (Fwd) Bougainville News 14/1/98 (Aust) | 80 |
38 | Jan 13, 1998 | IRSP | M-NEWS: Turkey: hunger strike has reached the 55th day | 102 |
39 | Jan 14, 1998 | socappeal-AT-easynet.co.uk | M-NEWS: Russia: miners first target of anti-worker offensive | 137 |
40 | Jan 15, 1998 | Jose Guillermo Soto Perez | M-NEWS: Una mujer muerta/dos heridos en Ocosingo (fwd) | 72 |
41 | Jan 15, 1998 | New Worker Online | M-NEWS: New Worker Online Digest 16/1/1998 | 35 |
42 | Jan 15, 1998 | ScotFOP | M-NEWS: ScotFOP #4 | 240 |
43 | Jan 16, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: BOUGAINVILLE: Letter to Postcourier (PNG) 16/1/98 | 100 |
44 | Jan 15, 1998 | Dennis Grammenos | M-NEWS: Labor Victory at U. of Illinois | 127 |
45 | Jan 16, 1998 | J.K.Marks | M-NEWS: left lists*2 | 42 |
46 | Jan 16, 1998 | J.K.Marks | M-NEWS: left lists | 196 |
47 | Jan 16, 1998 | socappeal-AT-easynet.co.uk | M-NEWS: Peticion de solidaridad de Chile | 74 |
48 | Jan 16, 1998 | Sendic Estrada Jimenez | M-NEWS: E;Searchable Chiapas-l Archive URL, Jan 11 (fwd) | 49 |
49 | Jan 16, 1998 | Sendic Estrada Jimenez | M-NEWS: E;EZLN Communiques, Jan 9+ (fwd) | 255 |
50 | Jan 16, 1998 | Sendic Estrada Jimenez | M-NEWS: Marcos Communique on Info Subway (fwd) | 100 |
51 | Jan 17, 1998 | Tom Condit | M-NEWS: Victory in Baja California | 112 |
52 | Jan 18, 1998 | jborovi | M-NEWS: hunger strike/ sans papiers/ update | 89 |
53 | Jan 19, 1998 | Robert Malecki | M-NEWS: Cockroach announcement. (Chiapas/Mexico) | 43 |
54 | Jan 20, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: (Fwd) 1100 MERCENARIES: 'Sandline was engaged to reopen mine' | 63 |
55 | Jan 20, 1998 | socappeal-AT-easynet.co.uk | M-NEWS: In Defence of Marxism site news | 67 |
56 | Jan 22, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: (Fwd) Bougainville - Radio Report 21/1/98 (6.30pm) | 41 |
57 | Jan 22, 1998 | Aaron | M-NEWS: Riots and Repression in ZIMBABWE | 155 |
58 | Jan 22, 1998 | Tom Condit | M-NEWS: Communist Manifesto | 36 |
59 | Jan 22, 1998 | Tom Condit | M-NEWS: Days of Action: April | 149 |
60 | Jan 23, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: (Fwd) 1000 m/nationals meet - protest | 156 |
61 | Jan 23, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: (Fwd) Bougainville Update 4.49pm - Radio Oz 23/1/98 | 39 |
62 | Jan 22, 1998 | Jose Guillermo Soto Perez | M-NEWS: Comunicado del EZLN 1-21-98 (fwd) | 314 |
63 | Jan 24, 1998 | ScotFOP | M-NEWS: ScotFOP #5 | 169 |
64 | Jan 27, 1998 | Sendic Estrada Jimenez | M-NEWS: E;Chiapas;Massacre was an old man's revenge. Right!, Jan 18 (fwd) | 94 |
65 | Jan 27, 1998 | Hugh Rodwell | M-NEWS: Liverpool dockers dispute is over | 57 |
66 | Jan 27, 1998 | socappeal-AT-easynet.co.uk | M-NEWS: Russia: Miners die as government delays payments | 171 |
67 | Jan 27, 1998 | Tom Condit | M-NEWS: Internationalism of Labor | 51 |
68 | Jan 28, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: (Fwd) Bougainville News - 28/1/98 (PC) | 92 |
69 | Jan 28, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: (Fwd) Bougainville - The Guardian 28/1/98 | 161 |
70 | Jan 28, 1998 | Campaign for Labor Rights | M-NEWS: Nicaraguan workers gain victory! | 97 |
71 | Jan 28, 1998 | Thomas O'Gorman | M-NEWS: Critique Conference | 25 |
72 | Jan 28, 1998 | bookmarks | M-NEWS: Bookmarks new and recommended books | 17 |
73 | Jan 28, 1998 | Siddharth Chatterjee | M-NEWS: Rape of Kashmiri Women | 221 |
74 | Jan 29, 1998 | Vikki John | M-NEWS: (Fwd) Bougainville - Radio Oz 29/1/98 | 39 |
75 | Jan 29, 1998 | Siddharth Chatterjee | M-NEWS: Kashmir: Custodial Torture & Deaths | 220 |
76 | Jan 29, 1998 | Michael Eisenscher | M-NEWS: Dockers' Strike Ended But Defense Battle Continues | 109 |
77 | Jan 29, 1998 | socappeal-AT-easynet.co.uk | M-NEWS: Communist Manifesto 150 anniversary web site | 52 |
78 | Jan 31, 1998 | Aaron Bronstein | M-NEWS: Belgian Security Guards on Strike ! (fwd and response) | 99 |
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