1 | May 18, 1997 | Sendic Estrada Jimenez | M-I: E;AP,Reut:PRD leads in Mexico City race - poll; Human rights , observers win, reprieve in Mexico, May 11 (fwd) | 418 |
2 | May 18, 1997 | Sendic Estrada Jimenez | M-I: E;Pentagon declassifies papers on Zapatistas, May 12 (fwd) | 481 |
3 | May 19, 1997 | dr.bedggood-AT-auckland.ac.nz | M-I: Peru: 17 years of "people's war" Ist part. | 186 |
4 | May 19, 1997 | Hugh Rodwell | M-I: Good riddance to Mobutu! | 104 |
5 | May 19, 1997 | Louis Proyect | Re: M-I: Good riddance to Mobutu! | 102 |
6 | May 19, 1997 | Louis Proyect | M-I: "Kabila Fields a Team Short on Seasoning" | 105 |
7 | May 19, 1997 | Louis Proyect | M-I: Africa After Mobutu (from Nation Magazine) | 117 |
8 | May 19, 1997 | Tim Willets | Re: M-I: Not a bad May Day, all in all | 48 |
9 | May 19, 1997 | Louis R Godena | M-I: SOLIDARITY WITH CHARLOTTE KATES (fwd from moderator) | 150 |
10 | May 19, 1997 | Nick Holden & Kate Ahrens | Re: M-I: Not a bad May Day, all in all | 118 |
11 | May 19, 1997 | Carrol Cox | Re: M-I: SOLIDARITY WITH CHARLOTTE KATES (fwd from moderator) | 17 |
12 | May 19, 1997 | Louis R Godena | Re: M-I: SOLIDARITY WITH CHARLOTTE KATES (fwd from moderator) | 27 |
13 | May 20, 1997 | dr.bedggood-AT-auckland.ac.nz | M-I: Good riddance to Mobutu! | 112 |
14 | xxxxxxx | jonathan flanders | M-I: Labour Government and the Unions | 52 |
15 | May 19, 1997 | Louis R Godena | M-I: Comrade Olaechea on the situation in revolutionary Peru | 114 |
16 | May 19, 1997 | James Farmelant | M-I: Re: Freud and Marx | 95 |
17 | May 19, 1997 | Louis R Godena | Re: M-I: Labour Government and the Unions | 73 |
18 | May 20, 1997 | Gary MacLennan | M-I: On Irish Nationalism | 29 |
19 | May 20, 1997 | Ben Seattle | M-I: (POF-2) The Alpha and Omega of Communist Theory | 496 |
20 | May 20, 1997 | Ben Seattle | M-I: (POF-1) In place of a reply to comments | 25 |
21 | May 20, 1997 | Robert Malecki | Re: M-I: Good riddance to Mobutu! | 232 |
22 | xxxxxxx | jonathan flanders | M-I: Labour Government and the Unions | 118 |
23 | May 20, 1997 | Robert Malecki | M-I: Re: M-G: LL05118 Adolfo A Report from The Front Lines | 209 |
24 | May 20, 1997 | Doug Henwood | Re: M-I: Labour Government and the Unions | 35 |
25 | May 20, 1997 | Louis Proyect | M-I: Congo: Marxism versus empty abstractions | 148 |
26 | May 20, 1997 | Louis Proyect | M-I: In Congo, a New Era With Old Burdens (NY Times article) | 382 |
27 | May 20, 1997 | Nick Holden & Kate Ahrens | Re: M-I: Labour Government and the Unions | 64 |
28 | xxxxxxx | jonathan flanders | M-I: Labour Government and the Unions | 25 |
29 | May 20, 1997 | Louis R Godena | M-I: Labor & politics: a rejoinder | 67 |
30 | May 20, 1997 | Renate Bridenthal | Re: M-I: Labor & politics: a rejoinder | 24 |
31 | May 21, 1997 | Robert Malecki | M-I: Proyect,The New York Times and Zaire! | 157 |
32 | May 21, 1997 | Gary MacLennan | Re: M-I: Labor & politics: a rejoinder | 86 |
33 | May 21, 1997 | Ben Seattle | M-I: (POF-1) Ben replies: bozo filtering and human-software | 585 |
34 | May 21, 1997 | Louis R Godena | M-I: Re: Labor & politics: | 51 |
35 | May 21, 1997 | Louis Proyect | Re: M-I: (POF-1) Ben replies: bozo filtering and | 36 |
36 | May 21, 1997 | Louis Proyect | Re: M-I: Re: Labor & politics: | 60 |
37 | May 21, 1997 | Doug Henwood | Re: M-I: Re: Labor & politics: | 47 |
38 | xxxxxxx | jonathan flanders | M-I: Labor and Politics | 104 |
39 | May 21, 1997 | Andrew Wayne Austin | Re: M-I: (POF-1) Ben replies: bozo filtering and human-software technology | 78 |
40 | May 21, 1997 | Louis R Godena | Re: M-I: Labor & politics: a rejoinder | 51 |
41 | May 21, 1997 | Doug Henwood | Re: M-I: Labor & politics: a rejoinder | 20 |
42 | May 21, 1997 | leata-AT-EarthLink.NET | Re: M-I: Labor & politics: a rejoinder | 81 |
43 | May 21, 1997 | Carrol Cox | Re: M-I: Labor & politics: a rejoinder | 23 |
44 | May 21, 1997 | Doug Henwood | Re: M-I: Labor & politics: a rejoinder | 19 |
45 | May 22, 1997 | Gary MacLennan | Re: M-I: Re: Labor & politics: | 66 |
46 | May 21, 1997 | Louis R Godena | M-I: Labor & politics: epilogue | 66 |
47 | May 22, 1997 | Louis Proyect | M-I: Labor and Politics | 154 |
48 | May 22, 1997 | Sendic Estrada Jimenez | M-I: U.S. Inscription for Encuentro 2, May 21 (fwd) | 215 |
49 | May 22, 1997 | Nick Holden & Kate Ahrens | Re: M-I: Labor & politics: a rejoinder | 20 |
50 | May 22, 1997 | Louis Proyect | M-I: Congo Rebels' Debts to Foreign Backers Remain Unclear (NY | 231 |
51 | May 23, 1997 | Robert Malecki | M-I: Another "Zaire" Times article from Proyect! | 162 |
52 | May 23, 1997 | blunose-AT-interserv.com | M-I: Downsized! | 36 |
53 | May 24, 1997 | dr.bedggood-AT-auckland.ac.nz | Re: M-I: Downsized! | 57 |
54 | May 23, 1997 | James Farmelant | Re: M-I: Free trade and protectionism | 159 |
55 | May 22, 1997 | knightrose | M-I: re: Labour and Politics - let's consider class. | 99 |
56 | May 24, 1997 | Robert Malecki | Re: M-I: re: Labour and Politics - let's consider class. | 134 |
57 | May 24, 1997 | Louis R Godena | M-I: CIA-inspired "demonstrations" in Kinshasa | 37 |
58 | May 24, 1997 | Louis Proyect | Re: M-I: CIA-inspired "demonstrations" in Kinshasa | 80 |
59 | May 24, 1997 | Louis R Godena | M-I: Re: none | 44 |
60 | May 24, 1997 | Carrol Cox | Re: M-I: Re: none. What the Hell? | 55 |
61 | May 24, 1997 | Hugh Rodwell | M-I: Spoon now a strategic drawing-room | 33 |
62 | May 24, 1997 | Nick Holden & Kate Ahrens | Re: M-I: re: Labour and Politics - let's consider class. | 171 |
63 | May 24, 1997 | Michael Hoover | Re: M-I: Free trade and protectionism | 24 |
64 | May 24, 1997 | Michael Hoover | M-I: [SAE-N] Pollsters sees Cardenas becoming Mexico City's mayor (fwd) | 164 |
65 | May 24, 1997 | Michael Hoover | M-I: Cuban publishes program for one-party rule (fwd) | 91 |
66 | May 24, 1997 | Louis Proyect | M-I: "Exterminate All the Brutes" | 63 |
67 | May 24, 1997 | Gerald Levy | M-I: excuses? none | 48 |
68 | May 24, 1997 | Yoshie Furuhashi | Cocksucking (was Re: M-I: Re: none) | 19 |
69 | May 25, 1997 | Robert Malecki | M-I: Re: M-G: Debate on Labour | 96 |
70 | May 25, 1997 | Robert Malecki | Re: M-I: re: Labour and Politics - let's consider class. | 241 |
71 | May 25, 1997 | Robert Malecki | Re: M-I: excuses? none | 41 |
72 | May 25, 1997 | Louis R Godena | Re: Cocksucking (was Re: M-I: Re: none) | 23 |
73 | May 25, 1997 | Louis R Godena | M-I: Attacks on the Irish Republican socialist movement (fwd from moderator) | 85 |
74 | May 26, 1997 | Hartin, Tony | M-I: RE: none | 42 |
75 | May 25, 1997 | knightrose | M-I: re: Labour and Politics again! | 91 |
76 | May 25, 1997 | UticaRose-AT-aol.com | Re: M-I: "Comrade" Olaechea on the situation in "revolutionary" Peru | 131 |
77 | May 25, 1997 | Gerald Levy | M-I: Re: excuses? none | 25 |
78 | May 26, 1997 | Gary MacLennan | On revolution and art was Re: M-I: "Exterminate All the Brutes" | 42 |
79 | May 25, 1997 | Renate Bridenthal | M-I: new questions | 23 |
80 | May 26, 1997 | Hugh Rodwell | M-I: Re: new questions | 124 |
81 | May 26, 1997 | Louis R Godena | M-I: Re: The trouble with Holocausts | 90 |
82 | May 26, 1997 | Renate bridenthal | Re: M-I: Re: new questions | 24 |
83 | May 26, 1997 | Karl Carlile | Re: M-I: re: Labour and Politics - let's consider class. | 146 |
84 | May 26, 1997 | TimW333521-AT-aol.com | Re: M-I: Re: new questions | 43 |
85 | May 26, 1997 | Louis R Godena | M-I: test | 13 |
86 | May 26, 1997 | Louis N Proyect | M-I: Black Man's Burden | 185 |
87 | May 26, 1997 | boddhisatva | Re: M-I: Re: new questions | 58 |
88 | May 26, 1997 | Ben Seattle | M-I: (POF-1 replies)[1 of 2] Moore's Law will lead to collapse of | 633 |
89 | May 26, 1997 | Ben Seattle | M-I: (POF-1 replies)[2 of 2] Moore's Law will lead to collapse of | 742 |
90 | May 26, 1997 | boddhisatva | Re: M-I: Black Man's Burden | 37 |
91 | May 26, 1997 | Louis N Proyect | Re: M-I: Black Man's Burden | 36 |
92 | May 26, 1997 | Louis N Proyect | M-I: Monthly Review article on computers | 32 |
93 | May 26, 1997 | boddhisatva | Re: M-I: (POF-1 replies)[1 of 2] Moore's Law will lead to collapse | 120 |
94 | May 27, 1997 | Zeynep Tufekcioglu | M-I: Information technology and politics | 121 |
95 | May 27, 1997 | boddhisatva | Re: M-I: Black Man's Burden | 49 |
96 | May 27, 1997 | Louis Proyect | Re: M-I: Black Man's Burden | 75 |
97 | May 27, 1997 | Carrol Cox | M-I: A minor "verbal" concern. | 24 |
98 | May 27, 1997 | boddhisatva | Re: M-I: Black Man's Burden | 41 |
99 | May 27, 1997 | Louis R Godena | Re: M-I: Black Man's Burden | 31 |
100 | May 27, 1997 | Nick Holden & Kate Ahrens | Re: M-I: re: Labour and Politics - let's consider class. | 34 |
101 | May 27, 1997 | Louis R Godena | M-I: Congo: Don't fuck around, start killing people (fwd from moderator) | 53 |
102 | May 27, 1997 | Hugh Rodwell | M-I: Casual Labour | 220 |
103 | May 27, 1997 | Ben Seattle | M-I: (POF-3) [1 of 2] Communist Organization in the Modern World | 534 |
104 | May 27, 1997 | Ben Seattle | M-I: (POF-3) [2 of 2] Communist Organization in the Modern World | 547 |
105 | May 28, 1997 | Robert Malecki | M-I: Reply to Joshie on M-Fem list... | 227 |
106 | May 28, 1997 | Rob Schaap | Re: M-I: Information technology and politics | 94 |
107 | May 28, 1997 | boddhisatva | Re: M-I: Black Man's Burden | 39 |
108 | May 27, 1997 | knightrose | M-I: re: Labour and Politics - let's consider class. | 63 |
109 | May 28, 1997 | Carrol Cox | Re: M-I: re: Labour and Politics - let's consider class. | 116 |
110 | May 28, 1997 | Robert Malecki | Re: M-I: re: Labour and Politics - let's consider class. | 59 |
111 | May 28, 1997 | Louis Proyect | M-I: Cyber-revolution (1 of 3) | 174 |
112 | May 28, 1997 | Louis Proyect | M-I: Cyber-revolution (2 of 3) | 151 |
113 | May 28, 1997 | Louis Proyect | M-I: Cyber-revolution (3 of 3) | 149 |
114 | May 28, 1997 | Sendic Estrada Jimenez | M-I: E;ZAPATISTA DREAMS - Column by Mumia Abu-Jamal, May 23 (fwd) | 155 |
115 | May 28, 1997 | Sendic Estrada Jimenez | M-I: E;ChT: Teachers strike spotlights Mexico's education failures, May , 23 (fwd) | 191 |
116 | May 28, 1997 | Sendic Estrada Jimenez | M-I: E;Four killed in clash between EPR, Mexican troops, May 25 (fwd) | 79 |
117 | May 28, 1997 | Gerald Levy | M-I: (Fwd) 50 injured in labor clashes in northern Argentina | 59 |
118 | May 29, 1997 | Robert Malecki | Re: M-I: re: Labour and Politics - let's consider class. | 59 |
119 | May 29, 1997 | Hugh Rodwell | M-I: Building an International Party | 536 |
120 | May 29, 1997 | Hugh Rodwell | M-I: Construyendo un partido internacionalista | 559 |
121 | May 29, 1997 | boddhisatva | Re: M-I: Cyber-revolution (3 of 3) | 110 |
122 | May 29, 1997 | Robert Malecki | M-I: One of he LIT-CI and the WI(RFI 21 points! | 191 |
123 | May 29, 1997 | Louis Proyect | M-I: Comments on Ben Seattle's organizational ideas | 140 |
124 | May 29, 1997 | Karl Carlile | Re: M-I: re: Labour and Politics - let's consider class. | 29 |
125 | May 29, 1997 | Carrol Cox | Re: M-I: Comments on Ben Seattle's organizational ideas | 44 |
126 | May 29, 1997 | Louis R Godena | M-I: Re: Pornography & Modernity; An addendum | 59 |
127 | May 29, 1997 | UticaRose-AT-aol.com | Re: M-I: Black Man's Burden | 28 |
128 | May 29, 1997 | UticaRose-AT-aol.com | Re: M-I: Black Man's Burden | 31 |
129 | May 29, 1997 | Louis R Godena | M-I: Re: modernity, postmodernity & anti-Stalinism | 53 |
130 | May 30, 1997 | Hugh Rodwell | M-I: Possible Los Angeles Dock Lock out | 149 |
131 | May 30, 1997 | Gary MacLennan | Re: M-I: Black Man's Burden | 35 |
132 | May 30, 1997 | Joćo Paulo Monteiro | Re: M-I: Comments on Ben Seattle's organizational ideas | 799 |
133 | May 29, 1997 | knightrose | M-I: Labour and Politics - more from the ultra left | 101 |
134 | May 30, 1997 | Hugh Rodwell | M-I: Scientific socialism, Strine-tork and ars poetica | 55 |
135 | May 30, 1997 | Doug Henwood | Re: M-I: Black Man's Burden | 35 |
136 | May 30, 1997 | Doug Henwood | Re: M-I: Black Man's Burden | 32 |
137 | May 30, 1997 | Louis Proyect | M-I: Diamonds in Africa | 108 |
138 | May 30, 1997 | Robert Malecki | Re: M-I: Labour and Politics - more from the ultra left | 195 |
139 | May 30, 1997 | Louis Proyect | Re: M-I: Black Man's Burden | 38 |
140 | May 30, 1997 | Michael Hoover | Re: M-I: Black Man's Burden | 39 |
141 | May 30, 1997 | rakesh bhandari | M-I: P Lapinsky | 51 |
142 | May 30, 1997 | Louis R Godena | M-I: Re: Resistance and stratification among house-based societies | 77 |
143 | May 30, 1997 | Louis R Godena | M-I: China's GDP likely to be tops in 2020 | 35 |
144 | May 31, 1997 | Jason A Schulman | M-I: "Why Marx Still Matters" by Chris Phelps | 294 |
145 | May 31, 1997 | Jason A Schulman | M-I: "Cuba: The One-Party State Continues" by Sam Farber | 401 |
146 | May 31, 1997 | Louis N Proyect | Re: M-I: "Cuba: The One-Party State Continues" by Sam Farber | 42 |
147 | May 31, 1997 | Hugh Rodwell | M-I: The LIT & WI on the ex-USSR since 1989 | 386 |
148 | May 31, 1997 | Hugh Rodwell | M-I: Worth learning Portuguese for! | 73 |
149 | May 31, 1997 | Stephen E Philion | Re: M-I: Re: modernity, postmodernity & anti-Stalinism | 51 |
150 | May 31, 1997 | Carrol Cox | M-I: Teresa Ebert and space for debate | 126 |
151 | May 31, 1997 | James Farmelant | M-I: Re: modernity, postmodernity & anti-Stalinism | 115 |
152 | Jun 01, 1997 | dr.bedggood-AT-auckland.ac.nz | Re: M-I: The LIT & WI on the ex-USSR since 1989 | 57 |
153 | May 30, 1997 | Joćo Paulo Monteiro | M-I: People's councils in Istambul | 117 |
154 | May 31, 1997 | Louis N Proyect | M-I: Cuba, South Africa | 249 |
155 | May 31, 1997 | James Farmelant | M-I: The Economist on Kabila (fwd)-article 1 | 120 |
156 | May 31, 1997 | James Farmelant | M-I: The Economist on Kabila (fwd)-article 2 | 122 |
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