1 | May 13, 1997 | Sendic Estrada Jimenez | M-I: The Guardian (London) reports on US Brutality (fwd) | 283 |
2 | May 13, 1997 | Sendic Estrada Jimenez | M-I: Break the Media Silence on Mexican Struggle for Democracy (en ingles) (fwd) | 207 |
3 | May 13, 1997 | Michael Hoover | Re: M-I: Re: Marxism and Liberation Theology | 62 |
4 | May 13, 1997 | Louis R Godena | Re: M-I: A fusillade towards the past | 43 |
5 | May 13, 1997 | Yoshie Furuhashi | Re: M-I: Re: Marxism and Liberation Theology | 85 |
6 | May 13, 1997 | Rosser Jr, John Barkley | Re: M-I: A fusillade towards the past | 76 |
7 | May 13, 1997 | Doug Henwood | Re: M-I: A fusillade towards the past | 26 |
8 | May 13, 1997 | Carrol Cox | Re: M-I: A fusillade towards the past. What is Fascism? | 51 |
9 | May 13, 1997 | Andrew Wayne Austin | Re: M-I: A fusillade towards the past | 31 |
10 | May 13, 1997 | Yoshie Furuhashi | Freire, Brecht, Shklovsky, Bhaskar, etc. (was Re: M-I: paulo | 54 |
11 | May 13, 1997 | Carrol Cox | M-I: Re: Freire, Brecht, Shklovsky, B...."context of practice" | 20 |
12 | May 14, 1997 | Gary MacLennan | Re: M-I: A fusillade towards the past. What is Fascism? | 75 |
13 | May 13, 1997 | Ben Seattle | M-I: (POF series) Apologies for the slight delay | 60 |
14 | May 14, 1997 | Joćo Paulo Monteiro | M-I: The battle for Kinshasa | 49 |
15 | May 14, 1997 | Louis R Godena | Re: M-I: A fusillade towards the past. | 47 |
16 | May 14, 1997 | slr-AT-marx.org | Re: M-I: The battle for Kinshasa | 33 |
17 | May 13, 1997 | knightrose | Re: M-I: A fusillade towards the past. What is Fascism? | 52 |
18 | May 13, 1997 | knightrose | M-I: Re: The battle for Kinshasa | 26 |
19 | May 14, 1997 | Robert Malecki | M-I: Re: Zaire! Transitional demands and revolution! | 181 |
20 | May 14, 1997 | Carrol Cox | Re: M-I: Re: Marxism and Liber.. Now: Working with Non-Violent Freaks & Various Other Flora and Fauna | 177 |
21 | May 14, 1997 | Karl Carlile | M-I: Re: The prison and ideology.......... | 50 |
22 | May 14, 1997 | slr-AT-marx.org | Re: M-I: A fusillade towards the past. | 75 |
23 | May 14, 1997 | Rosser Jr, John Barkley | Re: M-I: A fusillade towards the past. | 158 |
24 | May 14, 1997 | Michael Hoover | Re: M-I: paulo freire (fwd) | 55 |
25 | May 14, 1997 | Andrew Wayne Austin | Re: M-I: A fusillade towards the past. | 23 |
26 | May 15, 1997 | Joćo Paulo Monteiro | Re: M-I: The battle for Kinshasa | 71 |
27 | May 14, 1997 | James Farmelant | Re: M-I: Kasparov's defeat | 290 |
28 | May 14, 1997 | James Farmelant | Re: M-I: A fusillade towards the past. | 276 |
29 | May 15, 1997 | Louis R Godena | M-I: Re: A fusillade towards the past | 89 |
30 | May 15, 1997 | Carrol Cox | Re: M-I: paulo freire (fwd). Marx's "Who will educate... | 53 |
31 | May 15, 1997 | Joćo Paulo Monteiro | M-I: CIA and drug trafic (fwd) | 623 |
32 | May 15, 1997 | Joćo Paulo Monteiro | M-I: Free trade and MAI | 361 |
33 | May 15, 1997 | Joćo Paulo Monteiro | M-I: Free trade and MAI | 29 |
34 | May 15, 1997 | Rosser Jr, John Barkley | M-I: bye for now | 65 |
35 | May 15, 1997 | Hugh Rodwell | M-I: Free trade and protectionism | 58 |
36 | May 15, 1997 | Joćo Paulo Monteiro | M-I: Free trade and MAI | 369 |
37 | May 16, 1997 | Hugh Rodwell | M-I: Disney exploiting child labour | 67 |
38 | May 16, 1997 | Chris Burford | M-I: Gramscian revolution in UK | 130 |
39 | May 16, 1997 | dr.bedggood-AT-auckland.ac.nz | M-I: (Fwd) M-G: Cockroach's methods | 134 |
40 | May 16, 1997 | Hugh Rodwell | M-I: Re: Gramscian revolution in UK | 49 |
41 | May 16, 1997 | Michael Hoover | M-I: Nicaragua's Aleman, Ortega on Collision Course (fwd) | 62 |
42 | May 16, 1997 | Michael Hoover | M-I: They really will do anything for money . . . (fwd) | 63 |
43 | May 16, 1997 | Nick Holden & Kate Ahrens | Re: M-I: Not a bad May Day, all in all | 58 |
44 | May 16, 1997 | Nick Holden & Kate Ahrens | M-I: Electoral Reform | 48 |
45 | May 16, 1997 | Nick Holden & Kate Ahrens | Re: M-I: reflections on the UK elections | 62 |
46 | May 16, 1997 | Nick Holden & Kate Ahrens | Re: M-I: New Labour and Trade Unions | 57 |
47 | May 16, 1997 | Louis R Godena | M-I: UNESCO steps back into line | 47 |
48 | May 16, 1997 | Hugh Rodwell | M-I: Re: Freud and Marx | 148 |
49 | May 16, 1997 | Andrew Wayne Austin | Democracy (was Re: M-I: Electoral Reform | 43 |
50 | May 17, 1997 | Robert Malecki | M-I: REVOLT IN VLADIVOSTOK | 120 |
51 | May 17, 1997 | Robert Malecki | M-I: REVOLT IN VLADIVOSTOK | 121 |
52 | May 17, 1997 | Lew | Re: M-I: Not a bad May Day, all in all | 64 |
53 | May 17, 1997 | Lew | M-I: George Orwell, Spain and War | 218 |
54 | May 17, 1997 | rakesh bhandari | Re: M-I: Re: The prison and ideology.......... | 18 |
55 | May 17, 1997 | Louis R Godena | M-I: Luis Arce Borja's Commentary on MRTA | 174 |
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