Contents of spoon-archives/french-feminism.archive/Lubbock.abstracts/roberts-jones
Abstract for
Liberal Ironism and Sexual Ethics: The Scopes of Contingency
Meaghan Roberts-Jones
This paper will attempt to examine the radical contingency implied and
embodied in Rorty's concepts of the liberal ironist, private
self-perfecting and social hope as antithetical to sexual ethics,
especially those envisioned by Luce Irigaray and will offer Irigaray's
ethics (or ethos) as a socially hopeful response to Rorty's crippling
Rorty's subject, the liberal ironist, is committed to two
"incommensurable" (Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity xv) projects: the
utopian project of imagination and social hope, and the conservative
project of self-perfecting. The two projects are not only
incommensurable, but seem to be antagonists in that for the liberal
ironist there is no answer to the question, "Why not be cruel?" At the
crux, and as the context, of this agon lies Rorty's radical contingency.
The ironist is such due to a keen sense of the contingency of her/his own
socio-historical moment as well as of all the metanarratives which
"explain" and "justify" that moment. The question of cruelty is
unanswerable because culture and history offer no stable criteria for the
category "cruelty," thus the ironist may chose to act imaginatively in
the name of social hope and the struggles against cruelty and damage, or
may choose to act in name of self-perfecting and possibly be cruel in so
Counter to this subject position, one can situate Irigaray's ethics of
sexual difference. To remain within Rorty's categories for the moment,
in Irigaray's ethics the projects of self-perfecting and social hope
become commensurable. In fact, both occur through a radically
transformed economy of desire. In this economy, two fully articulated
subjects engage in mutual self-perfecting, a project of social hope.
These subject remain in an historically contingent situation, but that
contingency becomes the subjects' temporary but necessary conditions -
contingency becomes a horizon within which on must act, not an optional
bedtime story. The category of cruelty is not defunct for Irigaray
because the economy of desire takes place in the interval between two
subjects who define the dimensions of the that interval. One of those
dimensions can be cruelty - a particular shape of the interval. Since
the question of self-perfection is shifted from the subject to the
perfection of economy of desire between subjects, cruelty can be
mitigated either by those two subject or by a larger social sphere seen
as contingent in the soft sense. Finally, it is Irigaray's ethics, no
Rorty's liberal ironist which offers an intimation of truly utopic social
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