1 | Sep 06, 2004 | Irajoel-AT-aol.com | New List of Books Now available from Cinemage Books | 28 |
2 | xxxxxxx | Kishore Budha | list request | 48 |
3 | Sep 21, 2004 | Mark Jancovich | CFP: Mysterious Bodies: Investigating the Corporeal in Television | 97 |
4 | Sep 22, 2004 | Kishore Budha \University of Leeds Mail\ | Indian Cinema | 30 |
5 | Sep 22, 2004 | Kim Su Rasmussen | Call for Papers - The Living Thought of Gilles Deleuze | 143 |
6 | Sep 23, 2004 | chris-AT-riggstreet.net | CFP:State&Pop Culture | 48 |
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