1 | May 13, 1997 | Guillaume Ollendorff | Re: time (slipping through my fingers) vol 2. | 120 |
2 | May 14, 1997 | Liano Sharon | Some questions on your Bakhtin peice | 116 |
3 | May 14, 1997 | John Morss | Re: Liano's paradoxies | 47 |
4 | Dec 21, 1996 | Vadim Linetski | Re: Orpheus and Re.to.Th. | 96 |
5 | Dec 21, 1996 | Vadim Linetski | p.s. to my answer to Brian &Liano re: res.to th. | 14 |
6 | May 14, 1997 | Liano Sharon | Re: Orpheus and Re.to.Th. | 299 |
7 | May 14, 1997 | Liano Sharon | Re: p.s. to my answer to Brian &Liano re: res.to th. | 66 |
8 | May 14, 1997 | Brian C. Bromwell | Re: Orpheus and Re.to.Th. | 139 |
9 | May 14, 1997 | Liano Sharon | Re: Orpheus and Re.to.Th. | 64 |
10 | May 14, 1997 | Brian C. Bromwell | Re: Orpheus and Re.to.Th. | 161 |
11 | May 14, 1997 | Brian C. Bromwell | Re: Orpheus and Re.to.Th. | 74 |
12 | May 15, 1997 | Liano Sharon | Re: Liano's paradoxies | 110 |
13 | Dec 22, 1996 | Vadim Linetski | Re: time (slipping through my fingers) vol 2. | 175 |
14 | Dec 22, 1996 | Vadim Linetski | to Liano; re: his questions | 52 |
15 | Dec 23, 1996 | Vadim Linetski | to Liano (continued) | 20 |
16 | May 15, 1997 | Liano Sharon | Re: to Liano; re: his questions | 163 |
17 | May 15, 1997 | Joff | anti-O film | 17 |
18 | May 15, 1997 | Guillaume Ollendorff | Re: time (slipping through objectivity thread) | 165 |
19 | May 15, 1997 | Bill Bogard remote | addresses? | 8 |
20 | May 16, 1997 | Liano Sharon | Re: time (slipping through my fingers) vol 2. | 335 |
21 | Dec 23, 1996 | Vadim Linetski | to: Brian;Re: Orpheus and Re.to.Th. | 76 |
22 | Dec 23, 1996 | Vadim Linetski | theories of theory/texts of theory/theory of texts | 60 |
23 | May 16, 1997 | MR J SELLARS | nomadic trajectories | 30 |
24 | May 16, 1997 | Guillaume Ollendorff | Re: time (slipping through my fingers) vol 2. | 54 |
25 | Dec 24, 1996 | Vadim Linetski | Re: to Liano, re: his complaints | 221 |
26 | Dec 24, 1996 | Vadim Linetski | Re: time (slipping through objectivity thread) | 151 |
27 | Dec 24, 1996 | Vadim Linetski | Re: time (slipping through my fingers) vol 2. | 210 |
28 | Dec 24, 1996 | Vadim Linetski | Re: addresses? | 28 |
29 | May 17, 1997 | t22006-AT-cc.ntnu.edu.tw | Re: Serres: Parasites and noise | 34 |
30 | May 17, 1997 | t22006-AT-cc.ntnu.edu.tw | Re: from Ildar Khannanov, Insitute of Philosophy, Moscow | 18 |
31 | May 17, 1997 | gaianet | Eugene Holland | 22 |
32 | May 17, 1997 | William Bogard | Re: addresses? -Reply | 7 |
33 | Dec 25, 1996 | Vadim Linetski | Re: theory/practice | 81 |
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