1 | May 01, 1994 | Michael Current | Re: MP vs A-O / Etc. | 83 |
2 | May 03, 1994 | Jonathan Beasley Murray | Re: MP vs A-O, institutionalization and radicality | 172 |
3 | Apr 26, 1994 | Erik Davis | Answer me! | 50 |
4 | xxxxxxx | Eugene Holland | xxxxxxx | 29 |
5 | xxxxxxx | djb85-AT-csc.albany.edu | xxxxxxx | 39 |
6 | xxxxxxx | eugeneh | xxxxxxx | 36 |
7 | May 14, 1994 | Jonathan Beasley Murray | D&G, "radicals," etc. (re-post) | 152 |
8 | May 17, 1994 | D. Ronan Hallowell | Guattari & Smoothing Out | 25 |
9 | May 18, 1994 | Erik Davis | Re: Guattari & Smoothing Out | 48 |
10 | May 19, 1994 | Gregory Polly | Re: D+G and the mind | 88 |
11 | May 19, 1994 | ReDionysus-AT-aol.com | re: smooting out | 31 |
12 | May 20, 1994 | BOONM-AT-ACFcluster.NYU.EDU | Re: r/e deleuze + Buddhism | 44 |
13 | xxxxxxx | SONDHEIM-AT-newschool.edu | Re: r/e deleuze + Buddhism | 28 |
14 | May 21, 1994 | BOONM-AT-ACFcluster.NYU.EDU | Re: r/e deleuze + Buddhism | 67 |
15 | May 21, 1994 | Michael Current | List Moderation and other Administrivia | 63 |
16 | May 22, 1994 | DUANE ALLEN | Re: r/e deleuze + Buddhis | 63 |
17 | May 22, 1994 | UI234-AT-LAMPETER.AC.UK | r/e Deleuze and Tao | 50 |
18 | May 23, 1994 | Ms J E Broadhurst | Deleuze & Tradl Uncon | 30 |
19 | May 24, 1994 | BJFC000 | non-linear time/thought | 76 |
20 | May 24, 1994 | CJ Stivale | xxxxxxx | 14 |
21 | May 25, 1994 | ReDionysus-AT-aol.com | Deleuze and Performance | 30 |
22 | May 02, 1994 | Robert Steen | List Moderation and other Administrivia | 54 |
23 | May 26, 1994 | Michael Current | Re: Deleuze and Performance | 30 |
24 | May 27, 1994 | Michael Current | Sources: Deleuze & Guattari & Feminism (fwd) | 159 |
25 | May 21, 1994 | HARVEY FORMAN | R/E DELEUZE + BUDDHI | 42 |
26 | May 23, 1994 | BOONM-AT-ACFcluster.NYU.EDU | Re: R/E DELEUZE + BUDDHI | 52 |
27 | May 25, 1994 | Mark=Minchinton%PhysEd_Rec%VUT-AT-gnu.vut.edu.au | xxxxxxx | 39 |
28 | May 24, 1994 | UI234-AT-LAMPETER.AC.UK | r/e D+G, Buddhism, Spinoza | 49 |
29 | May 27, 1994 | APC-AT-LOYOLA.EDU | Deleuze/ancient philo | 26 |
30 | May 28, 1994 | BJFC000 | d/g Fembibliography | 61 |
31 | May 28, 1994 | Charles J. Stivale | VirtFut3 | 271 |
32 | May 28, 1994 | Erik Davis | Deleuzian Dharma | 199 |
33 | May 28, 1994 | Michael Current | Elizabeth Grosz | 51 |
34 | May 28, 1994 | Michael Current | D&G and Feminism: Addendum | 24 |
35 | May 30, 1994 | ReDionysus-AT-aol.com | re: name dropping & the fiction of subjectivity | 42 |
36 | May 30, 1994 | Gregory Polly | re: name dropping & the fiction of subjectivity | 90 |
37 | May 30, 1994 | Jonathan.Maskit-AT-casbah.acns.nwu.edu | Re: name dropping & the fiction of subjectivity | 80 |
38 | May 30, 1994 | FLIPGAZE | name/dropping | 54 |
39 | May 30, 1994 | Erik Davis | Re: name/dropping | 81 |
40 | May 30, 1994 | DR N LAND | trashing security | 63 |
41 | May 29, 1994 | HARVEY FORMAN | R/E DELEUZE + BUDDHI | 42 |
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