1 | Feb 01, 2001 | Emrah Goker | Re: PB on Weber and more . . . more help with quotations needed! | 38 |
2 | Feb 01, 2001 | Irvin Peckham | Re: PB on Weber and more . . . more help with quotations needed! | 81 |
3 | Feb 01, 2001 | Richard Nice | theodicy | 31 |
4 | Feb 02, 2001 | Richard Nice | new article | 18 |
5 | Feb 04, 2001 | Bernhard Beliak | Re: new article | 18 |
6 | Feb 04, 2001 | Pia Kate | Re: new article | 22 |
7 | Feb 05, 2001 | Anton Wesselingh | sociodicy | 60 |
8 | Feb 05, 2001 | Ingo Moerth | Re: new article | 53 |
9 | Feb 05, 2001 | Kathryn Moyle | Re: new article | 27 |
10 | Feb 05, 2001 | George Free | two interesting sites | 18 |
11 | Feb 19, 2001 | Tom Conry | making a "Bourdieu model" for what's happening in New York City public schools (warning: long) | 160 |
12 | Feb 21, 2001 | Guobin Yang | Re: making a "Bourdieu model" for what's happening in New York City | 20 |
13 | Feb 22, 2001 | Roger Cook | Bourdieu lecture in London | 40 |
14 | Feb 25, 2001 | Erik Hoogcarspel | Re: making a "Bourdieu model" for what's happening in New York City | 38 |
15 | Feb 26, 2001 | Carsten Sestoft | Re: making a "Bourdieu model" for what's happening in New York | 28 |
16 | Mar 01, 2001 | kent strock | Re: making a "Bourdieu model" for what's happening in New York City public schools (warning: long) | 65 |
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