1 | May 19, 1994 | Tristan Riley | Re: diasporal evasions | 77 |
2 | May 20, 1994 | BALDWINE-AT-iris.uncg.edu | Re: diasporal evasions | 36 |
3 | May 20, 1994 | Raul Sanchez ENG | Re: diasporal evasions | 54 |
4 | May 20, 1994 | BALDWINE-AT-iris.uncg.edu | relevant questions | 61 |
5 | May 20, 1994 | SCHOENML-AT-ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu | Re: relevant questions | 47 |
6 | May 21, 1994 | Michael Current | Re: diasporal evasions | 59 |
7 | May 22, 1994 | Tristan Riley | Re: Resistance (another old thread) | 62 |
8 | May 23, 1994 | MADELEYJ-AT-ac.dal.ca | Re: diasporal evasions | 38 |
9 | May 23, 1994 | MADELEYJ-AT-ac.dal.ca | Re: Resistance (another old thread) | 43 |
10 | May 23, 1994 | BALDWINE-AT-iris.uncg.edu | interpretation and praxis | 64 |
11 | May 23, 1994 | Raul Sanchez ENG | Re: interpretation and praxis | 57 |
12 | May 23, 1994 | Raul Sanchez ENG | Re: diasporal evasions | 48 |
13 | May 23, 1994 | BALDWINE-AT-iris.uncg.edu | Re: interpretation and praxis | 65 |
14 | May 23, 1994 | Raul Sanchez ENG | Re: interpretation and praxis | 72 |
15 | May 23, 1994 | Tristan Riley | Re: Resistance (another old thread) | 67 |
16 | May 23, 1994 | BALDWINE-AT-iris.uncg.edu | the word-producing industry | 84 |
17 | May 23, 1994 | Boreas | Re: interpretation and praxis | 84 |
18 | May 23, 1994 | Raul Sanchez ENG | Re: the word-producing industry | 35 |
19 | May 23, 1994 | Raul Sanchez ENG | Re: the word-producing industry | 47 |
20 | May 23, 1994 | Tristan Riley | Re: interpretation and praxis | 125 |
21 | May 23, 1994 | Tristan Riley | Re: interpretation and praxis | 64 |
22 | May 23, 1994 | Tristan Riley | Re: the word-producing industry | 61 |
23 | May 23, 1994 | Whit Blauvelt | Re: Worth of cyber-discussion | 76 |
24 | May 24, 1994 | Malgosia Askanas | Re: Worth of cyber-discussion | 36 |
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